Pest Control 24-7 specialise in dealing with pest problems quickly and discreetly covering Dorset.
Fleas are a very common pest in the UK. Based in Dorset, Pest Control 24-7 have become one of the leading pest control company in the area.
We have successfully treated hundreds of infestations and now are the preferred pest control company for total mole control and eradication.
Local Pest Control Experts
Fast Reliable Professional Service
Discreet Unmarked vehicles
You can usually tell if you have an infestation by the damage they cause to your lawn or to your plants. People incorrectly believe moles actually eat the roots of plants but this is not the case.
It is the space created in their extensive tunnels that mean your plants do not root sufficiently that causes the damage. They do not possess lower incisors so they are not equipped to gnaw at roots.​
Traditional method of trapping are used, we don’t use any gases or poisons, this ensures a fast and humane end to your mole problem. All the traps are set underground and out of sight for safe and effective control.​
Moles are woodland animals in nature but can quickly colonize and spread through adjacent residential properties. Moles are active creatures feeding every 4 hours and can eat up to 2/3rds of their body weight every day, with the earthworm among their favourite food source.​
If not handled properly they can ruin your nice landscaped lawn. Since they need a well-established tunnel network to survive, the longer they’re allowed to tunnel, the more habituated they become. This causes more damage and the moles become more difficult to control.
Health Risk
Not only do they cause damage to landscaped lawns and gardens, the soft mounds of hearth can cause trip hazzards and holes, increaing the possibilty of twisted ankles and knees.